Mystical Musings

Powerful U.S. Aug 13, 2023

Powerful changes have taken place in U.S., and yes, that means two things, A personal us and the collective U.S., Spiritually. The visible tends to divert our attention away all day long. But...

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Those Who Are The Tithe Aug 13, 2023

I am calling out to the TITHE! Those who know this calling know they are 100% of what God wants to do on earth. These are the WILLING ONES!

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,
that there...

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What I Pray on the daily Aug 10, 2023

Just added to Sing to God;

"The blessing, the glory, the wisdom, the thanksgiving, the honor, the power, the might unto the ages of the ages."

Our Father Thank You for:

You and Your Will, and Your...

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Words Spoken Over Us Aug 07, 2023

Prophecy to Elaine
from Prophet Kevin
The curses of the generations are broken this night says the Lord. Those things which the enemy has brought into your bloodline for 120 years is now...

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Not The Bride Aug 07, 2023

This is a Great Mystery


Ephesians 5:32

This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.


I love a good mystery! Don't you? Secrets tend to work in two ways for...

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